how to add a beneficiary in payment transaction

You should create beneficiary before making payment transaction. The beneficiary is an individual or organization of specific currency and payment network. This article describes in detail how to add a beneficiary.

  1. Use /v1/banking/beneficiaries/required-details endpoint to query the information needed to add a beneficiary. For example, GET /v1/banking/beneficiaries/required-details?currency=USD&beneficiary_type=personal you will get the filelds used to create a USD personal beneficiary.

    	"code": 0,
    	"msg": "Ok",
    	"data": [{
    		"currency": "USD",
    		"beneficiary_type": "personal",
    		"payment_type": "local"
    		"fields": [{
    			"field": "account_name",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "first_name",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "last_name",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "mobile",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "phone"
    		}, {
    			"field": "region_country",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "country"
    		}, {
    			"field": "aba_routing_code",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "^[\\d ]{6,13}$",
    			"data_type": "number"
    		}, {
    			"field": "account_no",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "^[\\d ]+$",
    			"data_type": "number"
    		}, {
    			"field": "address_country",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "country"
    		}, {
    			"field": "address_state",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "address_city",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "address_address1",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "address_address2",
    			"required": false,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "address_postcode",
    			"required": false,
    			"regex": "^[\\d-A-Za-z]+$",
    			"data_type": "text"
    	}, {
    		"currency": "USD",
    		"beneficiary_type": "personal",
    		"payment_type": "swift"
    		"fields": [{
    			"field": "account_name",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "first_name",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "last_name",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "mobile",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "phone"
    		}, {
    			"field": "region_country",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "country"
    		}, {
    			"field": "swift_code",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]{6,15}$",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "iban_no",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "^[a-zA-Z0-9 ]+$",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "address_country",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "country"
    		}, {
    			"field": "address_state",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "address_city",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "address_address1",
    			"required": true,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "address_address2",
    			"required": false,
    			"regex": "",
    			"data_type": "text"
    		}, {
    			"field": "address_postcode",
    			"required": false,
    			"regex": "^[\\d-A-Za-z]+$",
    			"data_type": "text"

    In this response, payment_type represents the payment method. fields contains the information required by the specific payment method. Its internal field field indicates the field name, required indicates whether it is required, regex indicates the rules that the value must match.

  2. After got the fields, use the POST /v1/banking/beneficiaries endpoint to create a beneficiary. For a swift beneficiary, the payload should be:

    uidstringYuser id, eg: 1643886388594307073
    currencystringYcurrency code, eg: USD
    beneficiary_typestringYpersonal or business, eg: personal
    payment_typestringYpayment_type response in /v1/banking/beneficiaries/required-details response. eg: swift
    account_namestringYbank account name. eg. Michael Jorden
    first_namestringYfirst name of beneficiary, eg: Jim
    last_namestringYlast name of beneficiary, eg:Green
    mobilestringYphone number of beneficiary
    region_countrystringYcountry/region of Bank, eg: AU
    swift_codestringYSWIFT code, eg: UBSWCNBJ
    iban_nostringYIBAN number, eg: FI211234569876543210
    address_countrystringYcountry/region of beneficiary, ISO 3166 alpha-2 standard, eg:AU
    address_statestringYstate of beneficiary,eg: New South Wales
    address_citystringYcity of beneficiary, eg:Sydney
    address_address1stringYaddress of beneficiary, eg:45/317-323 Pitt St Sydney NSW 2000 Australia
    address_address2stringNadditional address of beneficiary
    address_postcodestringNpostcode of beneficiary, eg:123456

    If every field is valid, a beneficiary will be successfully created and the beneficiary id will be returned. Then you can use this id to do payment transactions.